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In this article, it has been emphasized that it is impossible to talk about the
development of tactical and forensic support for pre-trial investigation without
clarifying the general provisions of forensic tactics. Especially, taking into account
the fact that today the question of its legal nature is debatable, which, in turn, is
due to the lack of unified and clear views on the subject of forensic tactics. An
analysis of scientific approaches to the interpretation of forensic tactics has been
carried out. It has been found that in the content of the concept of “forensic
tactics”, in most cases, its subject is also laid down. It has been noted that as a
subject of forensic tactics, a set of methods and recommendations of practical
actions to combat crime is considered. It has been proposed to understand the
subject of forensic tactics as a set of scientifically based techniques and
recommendations, as well as practical actions of authorized subjects, aimed at
ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks of criminal proceedings, prevention and
countermeasures of criminal offenses defined in the prescriptions of the criminal
procedural legislation. With this in mind, forensic tactics has been proposed to be
understood as an independent part of the science of forensics, which establishes a
set of scientifically based methods, recommendations and practical actions
defined in the provisions of the criminal procedural legislation, aimed at
collecting, accumulating, processing, researching and using evidentiary
information, influencing the behavior of a person, in order to ensure the
fulfillment of the tasks of criminal proceedings, prevention and counteraction of
criminal offenses.

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How to Cite
HOVORUSCHAK К. (2024). SUBJECT OF FORENSIC TACTICS . Bulletin of Criminological Association of Ukraine, 31(1), 246–252.