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The article emphasizes that in the conditions of martial law, the activities of
the police in the direction of ensuring the national security of the state underwent
a radical rethinking. This rethinking is based on previous processes of reforming domestic law enforcement agencies, in particular during European and Euro-
Atlantic integration.
It is noted that the vector for European integration announced in previous
years from the first days of the introduction of the legal regime of martial law
ensured the stability and coherence of the activities of police bodies and units in
the course of providing a wide range of services to help the population and
identify threats to national security, in particular in terms of countering
collaborative activities, and also contributed to maximum active support from
European partners.
Attention is focused on the fact that the activities of the police in ensuring
the national security of the state are reduced to documenting the consequences of
war crimes, investigating the facts of collaborative activities, participating in the
liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, including enemy
artillery and missile attacks, as well as ensuring the deterrence of armed
aggression against Ukraine in in the course of direct participation in combat
operations of police rifle brigades, protection of the state's airspace during the
destruction of enemy unmanned aerial vehicles, strengthening of the protection of
the state border of Ukraine by units formed from students and employees of
higher education institutions with specific training conditions that train police
officers, etc.
It is argued that granting the police a wide range of powers in the field of
ensuring national security and repelling armed aggression should be an
exclusively temporary, forced step and not lead to the gradual militarization of
domestic law enforcement agencies, which threatens the implementation of
democratic civilian control over their activities and ensuring compliance in their
daily activities human rights
It is noted that in the conditions of martial law, the police also perform a
number of tasks in the course of ensuring the financial and informational
component of the state's national security. 

Article Details

How to Cite
CHERVYAKOV О. (2024). РОЛЬ ПОЛІЦІЇ У ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННІ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ В УМОВАХ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУ . Bulletin of Criminological Association of Ukraine, 31(1), 844–851. https://doi.org/10.32631/vca.2024.1.77