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We have analyzed almost a thousand scientific/scientific-popular
professional articles/publications of various genres and thematic orientation with
the root of the word "Bulgar" in the title, which are available in the Vernadsky
Library. The unique scientific and factual material is collected, and the
directions/courses/trends of ethno-national levels of cooperation between the
Bulgarian and Ukrainian peoples, who have always helped each other in difficult
times for more than a thousand years, are identified. Attention is focused on some
scientific articles by Ukrainian authors, which are suggested to be studied in detail
to enrich their knowledge of Bulgarian/Balkan studies.
The main point of the article is the need to study the ethno-national, mental,
spiritual and cultural conditions of a particular country. Only in this way can we
see the entire deterministic complex of evil/crime and find ways out of many
criminogenic conditions in the direction of good. This article is only a small
attempt to understand Bulgarian studies comprehensively from the perspective of
scientometrics. The next one may be Balkan studies, Chinese studies, regional studies, and many other important areas that require separate scientific research.
A lawyer-investigator, prosecutor, judge, police officer, in fact, any person-
should be a well-rounded person. When asked what you know about Bulgaria,
apart from a good vacation and resort where Ukrainians often like to go, or
associations with Bulgarian pepper, the famous Cyrillic alphabet that gave rise to
the Slavic/Ukrainian writing system, or a kind grandfather, Dobri Dobrev, who
collected alms and donated large sums of money to restore and maintain
Bulgarian Orthodox churches, there is something else to tell. This scientific work
will provide an answer and a guide to the ethno-national, mental code of
Ukrainians as a nation through the prism of the Bulgarian component and will
certainly be useful for a wide range of readers and the scientific community as a
The conducted scientometric cross-section will give a general vision of the
issues of Bulgarian studies in Ukraine and the world, will help to see Bulgaria
through different eyes, at least through the prism of more than a thousand years,
which is very important in building state-political, state-church, and various social
relations between two great fraternal peoples who have always helped and are
helping each other, following the example of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and
Methodius: When one brother was sick and fell down, the other always helped
him and took the burden of patience and heroism upon himself. Perhaps this is
the context in which we should see the relations between the Bulgarian and
Ukrainian peoples and many other peoples. 

Article Details

How to Cite
KRITSAK І. (2024). BULGARIAN AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PLATFORM FOR THE RESEARCH OF PROBLEMS OF CRIME PREVENTION: COGNITIVE PONDEMONIUM . Bulletin of Criminological Association of Ukraine, 32(2), 440–460. https://doi.org/10.32631/vca.2024.2.33