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The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of mobbing as a
background phenomenon in criminology. Certain aspects of the legislation of
Ukraine, scientific articles and literary publications on this issue are studied and
analyzed. The grounds are outlined, according to which the problem of systematic
harassment in the labor collective (mobbing) can cause such offenses as:
incitement to suicide (Article 120 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), bodily harm
(Article 125, Article 128 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) there is no such article
in the Criminal Code of Ukraine, rape (Article 152 of the Criminal Code of
Ukraine). The essence of mobbing from the point of view of criminology and as a
multidisciplinary phenomenon is revealed. A comprehensive analysis of the issue
under study was conducted, special attention was paid to such a key aspect as the
affiliation of mobbing to the background phenomena for crime, which defines
mobbing as a criminologically significant factor, which in turn determines the
occurrence of more serious offenses.
Since the sphere of implementation of mobbing is relationships, where a
person realizes himself as a bearer of personal non-property rights to social
existence, mobbing can also be considered as one of the types of discrimination.
According to the results of the study, a reasoned conclusion was formulated,
according to which mobbing is an administratively punishable act, which is the
background for a certain group of crimes and criminal offenses.

Article Details

How to Cite
ZAKHOZHAI К. (2024). MOBING IN UKRAINE: CRIMINOLOGICAL ASPECT . Bulletin of Criminological Association of Ukraine, 33(3), 107–113.